These are the three main building blocks in the Rife Machine. On the left is the computer or signal generator, this is the brain of the machine. In the center is the transistor. This is the heart of the machine. To the right of the transistor is the coil. This is the power house of the machine. To the right of the coil is the bulb. This is what emits the energy.
Click on the below link to learn how to build a good solid single coil Rife Machine.
(1) How to build a Rife Machine. Quick easy Rife Machine build. - YouTube
Click on the below link to learn how to build the box that I put the Rife Machine in.
(2) December 1, 2024 - YouTube
Click on the link below to learn how to build the stand that the bulb sits in.
We provide illustrations on how to build a Rife Machine in our book, . It is designed to not waste your time and to allow for a quick and easy build. Below are a list of parts that are used to build a basic Rife Machine.
12 volt auto ignigtion coil Beru is the brand name.
The coil is the amplifier. Generally two of these provide the power that goes through the bulb. This creates an e-field and also an electromagnetic field. The cost for these are 25 to 38. I generally order them from You can also find them at amazon.
The part below is the socket for the transistor. The mouser part number is 534-4608 It can be found at
The part below is the heat sink for the transistor. The mouser part number is going to be 532-506007B00 It can be found at
Below is the copper pc board that I use to solder parts onto. I usually get the Chanzon single sided 10 pcs copper clad laminate pcb 7x10 cm 4x2.7 inch. This can be found on amazon or many other elctronic stores.
Below is the fuse that I use It is 10amp !/4 X1 1/4 fuse. There are numerous places yout can get this fuse. I get them at Menards or Home Depot.
Below is the economy bulb that I purchase from T&D Neon. The phone number for T&D neon is 248-730-4297 The bulb is a ten inch length straight tube. I also purchase the Phanotron tube from Look for bill chebs plasma tubes. When you do a search.
The parts listed below are the parts for the dual frequency Rife Machine. Note many of the parts used for the dual frequency Rife Machine are the same parts that are used for the single coil Rife Machine. I will soon have a video up describing how to build a dual frequency Rife Machine.